Thursday, January 27, 2011

What am I doing writing a blog??

Hi, my name is Tracy and I am a 42 year mother who struggled through infertility for 4 years. It was my own personal hell- well, maybe not just my own since my husband went through every moment and every tear right by my side. So I guess it was our hell.  Our world was different from anyone else we knew.
Let me go back and give you a little background. I grew up in CT and had a pretty typical life. I had friends, I did well in school, I went to summer camp, I baby sat, I was a counselor in many camps, I worked in a daycar center in high school... I was happy. There are 2 things from my childhood that stick out as really being difficult to understand, but i knew they both made me cry. When I was 4 my aunt (my mom's only sister) got married on my birthday, which i thought was so cool. What a party to celebrate turning 4! I was pretty close to my aunt and I loved my new uncle. A few years later I remember my mom telling me that my aunt was pregnant and that I was going to have a baby cousin! I was so beyond excited. Excited, until the phone rang and I saw sadness in my mom's eyes. My aunt had lost the baby- miscarriage was a word i probablly didn't want to know at that age. I didn't totally understand, i just knew there would be no baby cousin and that everyone was really sad. Unfortunately, this happened again and again and again. I don't know how many times, i just knew it hurt everyone around me. Then when i was 10 my aunt got pregnant and stayed pregnant- she was due in June and everything looked good. We were over the moon and couldn't wait to meet this baby. In February, the world crumbled again when my parents were hit by a drunk driver and our worlds changed again. Thakfully, after months in the hospital, my parents were able to come home and in June, my aunt gave birth to the most precious baby girl. My new baby cousin became my focus. I spent a lot of time with her and loved like she was my sister. I knew she was a miracle. We are super close even today as adults.

So I knew growing up that fertility issues ran in my family but my mom had never had any problems, so I really didn't think that I would either. But i was wrong. 
Last week, an ignorant person made some comment about women who can't get pregnant on their own should just take that as a sign from god that they should just adopt. (Don't get me wrong, I totally believe in adoption and support those who choose that path.)  Thankfully, I didn't directly hear her because if I had, I probablly would have gone off on her.  But a friend told me and it really touched a nerve in me. I thought about confronting her and getting my energy out that way- but instead, I decided to start this blog. To share my story, my pain, my hope. Those of us who have struggled through infertility belong to a sisterhood- not one we ever wanted to, but we are sisters for life. I had Mindy, my angel, who had gone through this and walked me through my struggle. I hope this blog will help someone else feel the support of the sisterhood. No one should have to go through this alone and sometimes a Dr. or a friend who hasn't been there, just isn't the right person.


  1. What a great start! Can't believe I have to wait to read the rest. I appreciate that you're doing this, though my journey to motherhood wasn't as long and hard as yours was, it wasn't as easy as all of my friends seemed to be and it was very lonely. Now, stop leaving such cliffhangers, I feel like I just finished watching the Deathly Hallows Part One!!!

  2. I love this... it keeps me hanging (even though I know a lot of the story lol). Looking forward to the next installment!
